These features are built into the Preview application that comes with all Mac OS computers. See OS X. Combining PDF documents using Preview . Preview will also open JPG files by default (just double click on them) so you can mix them with PDF files as well.
Downloading PDFs Downloading a PDF file will automatically open a PDF file in Preview. To download all your PDF files at once, start Spotlight, drag a PDF file to the Spotlight “Get More” button under “File Sharing,” and select “More” to open the option box in the corner of the button. Opening PDF files from within a PDF. The button will allow you to add or remove PDF files to your list. PDFs in Documents Palette From the “Documents” list on the right-hand side of your screen, select a PDF, select the PDF icon (or use its icon at the top of the list), click “Open,” and a PDF will open in Preview. Downloading PDFs into Mailboxes To download documents into the Mailbox, locate the PDF that you wish to download. Select it and click “Import…” to open the option box in the corner of the window. (For more information on.