How to Remove Signed Signature from PDF Documents? To remove a signature for a given document, you need to open the printed page, and the Signature tab in the Acrobat Reader. Click the signature to open the file, choose the signature to clear the signature, and then click erase signatures on this PDF‹. It then removes the signature from the document in real time. Can I print my PDF on the scanner? May 25th 2025 — Yes, you can print your PDF on the scanner. It will then automatically remove the signature. Why Can't I Remove My Signature from Microsoft Excel? May 13, 2025 — Microsoft Excel works correctly with PDF files with the signature field. But I'm having trouble with Excel You will need some software to remove signature from Microsoft Excel. Please refer to the next two articles — How to Delete Signature from Microsoft Excel PDF Documents and How to Delete Signature from Microsoft Excel Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher Format Files. In case you are not having issues with your documents, simply select the option at the bottom of the dialog box or the “Extract signature” option on the ribbon, and it will copy the signature to the clipboard. How to Delete Signatures From Microsoft Excel? You will need a software which creates a signature for you, and you will need to open the documents of which you want to remove signature from the signature. This software can be a PDF file creator, but if it is not a PDF creator, you may need a file manager application or a software to extract signature from the document(s). You can try this simple process. Open your files and click “File”, then “Print”. Choose options” and “Settings”. Click on “Extract Signature” tab and choose the method from the menu. How to Change Signature of PDF Documents? Signatures are one of the important features that we need to check in PDF files. So before you print them, you need to check if they are accurate or not. This can be accomplished by using an advanced PDF printer like Adobe Acrobat Reader. This can change the file type of your PDF. To check the signature: Click on File, select the PDF file, choose “View” on the ribbon, and then select the “Details” tab.