We recommend that you: Open the file. When you click on Save as PDF in Google Drive, you need to select and save the Google Sheet on your computer as a PDF. The Google Sheet should only be used by one person. It is not to be shared with other people. You are required to use the file on a single device. Note! To download to your phone or other mobile device: Log into Google Drive. · Create a folder for the file that will be downloaded to. · In the folder, create a document called GOOGLE_Sheets_2022.pdf. · Copy the file. · Copy it to your computer. Download the HTML file from your computer and create a new Google Drive spreadsheet (if needed). · Click File‛ on Google Drive Note! To download to your phone or other mobile device: Log into Google Drive · Create a folder for the file that will be downloaded to. · In the folder, create a document called GOOGLE_Sheets_2022_mobile.pdf. · Copy the file. Downloads How To Convert Your Spreadsheets to PDF Google Sheets: Convert to PDF in 4 easy steps, with examples and techniques How To Convert Your Spreadsheets to PDF in 4 easy steps, with examples and techniques (YouTube) Using Google Sheets to make spreadsheets more easy Posted by J.H. in Web developer, Google. Posted by J.H.