Select the image you wish to add to your document.5. Drag the image into the PDF document in the editor window! How to Insert images into the PDF — Imagery Inform yourself about Imagery's free tools: To add the image to your document (image source) Click the link 1. Navigate to the folder where you want to store your photo. 2. Download the picture from the website. 3. Open the picture in the imagery program. 4. Click the button labeled Add. 5. A dialog will go through the process to add the picture to the PDF. How to Insert Photo into PDF — Imagery How to insert an image into PDF · To insert an image into the PDF , click on ‹image link on the imagery toolbar. How To Insert Images into PDF — Imagery ‹how to‹How to insert an image in a PDF? 1. Open your photo in Imagery. 2. Navigate to the menu in the upper right corner of the document and select ‹Photo. 3.