Once the file is uploaded, you can use our PDF compressor online, or you can go to, the free online PDF-compression tool. It's available here. Reduce PDF Size Manually — Offline Reducing PDF files online requires some steps. First go to . If you are using the desktop version of Adobe Reader, you can access the download here. Otherwise, if you are not using Adobe Reader, you can download the pdf-compressor from In your browser, go to . In the file, create a new program and download the file I've created a new program to automatically convert a PDF to Word 2025 text. You can set these options in the program by clicking on Export to new program option. As for choosing file size, my default settings are between 3 MB 5 MB and 8 MB maximum. Reduced file size for a PDF conversion (in KB). Once you upload our tool, you click on the Save button and then upload your file for us. You can choose between a maximum of 8 KB per page in size, or you want to reduce page size manually to get the optimal effect. I don't recommend reducing files per page as you may make the PDF too long. Reduced file size for a PDF conversion (in MB). Once you upload our tool, you click on the 'Convert' button and the file size will be uploaded on the server. You can choose between a maximum of 3 MB per page in size, or you want to reduce page size manually to get the optimal effect. I don't recommend reducing files per page as you may make the PDF too long. Reduced file size for a PDF conversion (in MB, click to open). Click on the Conversion button and your file will be transferred to the server. Click the Save button to upload our tool. You can set the amount of files to convert once you upload it. It might be necessary to adjust it depending on your upload speed. Also, you can adjust the default options. Click on save, upload your file, and you are done! Reduced file size for a PDF conversion (in KB).