When you save the PDF, Adobe Acrobat displays a progress bar along with the size reduction. But to increase the page size of your file, you can use the PDF Optimizer as listed below: Click the PDF icon in the browser, and then click on Optimize› For this method, the application has to be the following version : Adobe Acrobat 9 Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 — After you start up the Adobe Acrobat Reader, and open the PDF file, and then save this as PDF›, you can set this value below. Set File Size “ PDF Size ‣ 1-Page Size ‗ 1 PDF Quality ‖ 10 How to Improve PDF File Quality — Linux Dec 18, 2025 — How to improve PDF file quality by using the ‛Compress› function on Linux. The default behavior for this tool on Linux is to compress the PDF document. This means that the file is compressed by using the same method as is used for saving JPEG quality images on your computer. This process can be further improved by reducing the size of the document by using this tool. The ‛Compress› function on Linux requires a little more knowledge than it does in other operating systems. Here is what you need to do: 1. Open the PDF file. 2. Click the ‛Compress› button in the upper right corner. The result of this operation depends on the document type. 3. Once the ‛Compress› button is activated, the first thing that a window will tell us is that our document is of a certain type. To see how this is calculated: For PDF files: For images, the result is in a range from 1 to 11 (1: low quality, 10: medium quality, 11: high quality). For PDF documents, the most important data is the ‹Page Size› (page width/height). To calculate the value of the Page Size of the current PDF file, use: for an image with pixels in any size. For a text file in any size: to calculate it, we first convert our integer values, and then divide the result by 11.
Hi this is logo we shed from keys to 80 the next screencast will show you how to dramatically reduce the size of your PDF file as you may see now on my screen the actual size of that PDF file is about 36.3 megabytes that's quite a lot if you want to send it find by email or or share it simply that file on your website on your mic you don't need to have a dub Acrobat creator to reduce the file size for online publishing first open your finder and locate the PDF file second push the control button down and while clicking with your mouse you will have the contextual menu within that context from the new you have the hope and whit's option then choose the preview application after some second the PDF file is open No choose the menu file then export option within that export option you have now to choose the destination file change the name of your PDF file look for the format of your file let's PDF now but you have to order option like jpg PNG and if and then the ports filter quotes filter live English a choice between blacken words blue tune great generic and so on but the one we want to choose is reduce file size then click on the Save button wait for some second and then close the preview application back to your finder you have now to look for the destination folder and there you have the new PDF files if you look now to the PDF files we can see the size it's no 1.8 about 20 times less than the original files well that's all if you enjoyed that please share that video and come back later see you.